Memorial Day, Let us Remember
By Chief Jack Law III
May 29, 2016

This weekend as most everyone is preparing for picnics, gathering for celebrations of the kickoff of summer with family and friends, let us remember that Memorial Day means so much more than that. Memorial Day is a day to remember why we are able to gather for the events that typically consume our daily lives. Memorial Day is a Holiday to remember those who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces, while protecting our Country in order to allow us to enjoy what we enjoy today "Freedom".
Memorial Day began as Decoration Day in 1868, when they would adorn the graves of the fallen with flowers, eventually the day became known as Memorial Day to honor all Americans who died while in the Military Service. So Let us Not Forget, why it is possible to enjoy the picnics, gatherings of family and friends on this day and everyday, it is because of our Freedom that we owe Thanks to those who fought to keep the United States of America free. Let us Not Forget, those who have not returned to enjoy the Freedom that they fought for.