Mutual Aid Assist - Woods Fire
By Firefighter Benjamin Carrero
April 13, 2014

The West Bradford Volunteers ended the busy weekend with another mutual aid assist to Downingtown on a reported woods fire. Around 2010 hrs Station 45 & 46 (Downingtown) were dispatched for a woods fire in the area of Old Trolley Lane in East Caln Township. Shortly after dispatch Deputy 45 (Moore) requested Brush and TAC 39 to assist due to the initial report of a fire deep within the woods.

Upon arrival crews confirmed the initial report and sent firefighters with brush tools, chain saws, and Indian tanks to stop the spreading fire. Brush 39 reported to South Chestnut Lane with Brush 45 to gain access via the old Trestle Rail Line. Once on the rail line, the brush trucks and their crews forged a new trail through fallen trees to reach the fire location. TAC 39 along with Engine 45 and TAC 48 established a 3" water supply line to Brush 45. Tanker 39 was dispatched and assisted in water supply.

Crews were on-scene for 4 hours before returning to their respective stations for a lengthy clean up.

Special thanks to Tom Kelley (TOUT: @tkelly) for the pictures!

Units: Brush 39, TAC 39, Tanker 39, Safety 39, Command 39
Mutual Aid: 45 & 46 (Downingtown), 6 (East Whiteland), 36 (Po-mar-lin), 44 (Westwood), 48 (Glen Moore)