Congrats Firefighter John Follett!
By Firefighter Benjamin Carrero
November 20, 2014

This evening John Follett and 27 junior firefighters from across Chester County, Delaware County, and Lancaster County graduated from Firefighter 1, accomplishing a major milestone in their firefighting careers.

Over the past couple of months, John and his classmates attended over 160 hours of training at the Chester County Fire Training Center in pursuit of earning interior firefighter status. This classification is pivitol to the fire service as it is the baseline education for all firefighters statewide and nationwide. Each graduate endured a boot-camp style education through classroom instruction and hands-on exercises to prepare them to perform on the fire ground.

Fire Chief Law, past Fire Chief Buttner, and other members of the West Bradford Fire Company, including John's family, attended this distinguished ceremony to congratulate him and his teammates on their accomplishements.

Congrats to all once again on your hard work!